Rajasthan Cycling

About Us

We are the Bare Footprints. Striving to find new ways of exploring the seen and unseen corners of our magnificent country. And we love what we do, because we are doing what we love!

An exciting Start-up bringing together a diverse team of travel fanatics, each with their own unique perspective on explorations and travel, formed over years of criss-crossing this amazing land, in our thirst to accumulate rich and multi-dimensional experiences in ..... well, pretty much anything interesting we came across which related to the compelling and irresistible human story of exploration.

BFV is a platform bringing together two distinctly unique ways of exploring the Third Rock from the Sun. One, a leisurely and subtle absorbing of all that comes your way. The other, the more primitive way of pushing our body, soul and endurance levels to the limit, while exploring the hell out of our chosen destination! Bare Footprints invites fellow humans with a similar hunger for exploring and absorbing the splendours of India. To share our love of travel and the experience amassed over the years. Contact us and start planning your Bare Foot journey Today!